Wednesday 16 September 2015

5 Mobile Development Blogs You Can’t Code Without

Mobile development in India

A good blog can be a lifesaver for a developer. Some provide good background reading on the industry being worked on. Some provide code help, hints and tips, and other practical resources, while others just provide a well-earned distraction, which can be vital on a complex or challenging project.

Here at Infragistics we provide lots of tools and controls for mobile web and app development. As a result we like to think we know a thing or two when it comes to the mobile development blogosphere. So here are our five favorite mobile development blogs at the moment:

1. Toastmo

Toastmo is the blog of mobile development company Two Toasters. They are well known for creating some beautiful sites and apps, including the Airbnb Android app. The blog focuses on things the company has learned and things they wish to teach the wider community. Full of useful advice and code examples, this is a site you will want to check on regularly.

2. Mobile tuts+
Mobile tuts+ is the mobile site of the larger tuts+ site, which is dedicated to hands on practical tutorials. Along with their written, code-sample rich tutorials and a stellar community, the site also offers a ton of video content. If you opt for their premium (paid for) service, Mobile tuts+ offers even more, including access to some very talented instructors.
3. Android Developers Blog
Those working with Android devices will find a lot to love in this blog. Written by various Google employees (The Google Play team, the Android frameworks team, the Android developer relations team, to name but a few) this blog covers a mix of technical topics (i.e. Using cryptography to store credentials safely) to softer subjects (i.e. biographies of developers like Smule).

4. NSHipster
NSHipster bills itself as “a journal of the overlooked bits in Objective-C and Cocoa.” This is a really technical blog, offering weekly advice on how to get the best out of the Apple’s programming language of choice.

5. Windows Phone Developer Blog
The only “official” blog on this list, the Windows Phone Developer Blog is written by various members of the Windows Phone development team. Comprised of lots of useful posts and updated very regularly (7 posts in March so far), this blog is a good place to visit to stay up-to-date in the fast moving Windows Phone world.


How to fix 404 error reports in WordPress?

404 error reports

For the most of your visitors are 404 error reports disturbing and maybe a reason to leave your website. For yourself as the website owner, a 404 error report should help you to resolve problems. A “404 – not found” is a sign for a broken link and might harm your website. The best solution would be if there is no 404 error or a broken link.

Why should you care about 404 errors?

As already mentioned before, if a visitor has followed a link to your website and the particular webpage ends into a 404 error, the visitor might leave your website and will never come back. But there is more…
  • Incoming broken links
    Just imagine your websites has got a link from an important website and this link will end into page that doesn’t exists. Because the link is broken, the link doesn’t help your website ranking in Google.
  • Outgoing broken links
    If your site has broken links, a search-engine like Google might penalize your site’s ranking because the GoogleBot can’t follow the links. This sounds crazy and there will nothing happen if your site gets only a view 404 error reports, but if your site has a lot of them the GoogleBot might think that these parts of your sits are abandoned and less valuable. It’s important to keep the number of broken link low!

How to detect incoming or internal broken links?

Your WordPress website has already a build-in function to provide 404 error reports, just enter a non-existing URL into the address bar and hit enter. If your WordPress theme is complete, you will see a 404 error page. If you customize this page with some links to important sections and a search form, a visitor might forgive you and will continue his visit from here. Without a notification it will happen again and again.
The best solution is to use the Redirection plugin from John Godley, because this WordPress plugin can be used to redirect invalid URLs as well. Using the plugin’s interface it’s possible to find broken links and you can turn these “404 error reports” into a clean redirect if needed. There is no need to edit the .htaccess for these redirects.

How to find outgoing broken links?

If your WordPress website provides a comment function, it’s a normal situation to get some outgoing broken links after a while. A comment poster might enter a wrong URL or some website address which becomes invalid after a while. In both cases you should check your website for these broken links. The Broken Link Checker plugin is the solution for this problem. The plugin is using a WordPress cronjob for a frequent check to find all broken links in your posts, pages, comments and most of the other content. The plugin provides a lot of options for the broken link detection behavior, an easy interface that helps your to fix these problems and of course it sends you a message if there are broken links on your website.

There is more you can do…

The Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) provides 404 error reports, too. The great think here is that Google provides also the information where the broken link was found. Fix these problems and contact the website owner if the broken link comes from some important website. Most webmasters are happy if you tell them about this broken link and in that case they will fix the link for your.
You can offer a small feedback form on your 404 error page, too. Use (hidden) form fields for all the technical information your site can offer (current URL, date/time HTTP Referrer, etc.) and hopefully the visitor will give you some feedback.

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Effective Social Media Tactics for Getting More Clicks

Often people think that by publishing updates with their links in them, they can attract more traffic from the social media. However, that is a misconception. Had that been true, all companies would boast of thousands of followers, wouldn’t they? So, how to guarantee more clicks on social media posts? Experts in any reputable SMM Company like generally would come up with the following few suggestions to boost your traffic.

Making It Visual or Adding Attractive Pictures

Try to include interesting pictures along with your posts to grab audience attention. Be it on Twitter or Facebook adding pictures will definitely increase clicks. Whenever you tweet a link to a blog post remember to include a picture. This will certainly generate a remarkable increase in the Twitter traffic.

Sharing the Best Content: Best among Social Media Tactics

You must remember to share only high quality content. No matter what the network, mediocre information will end up hurting you. Mediocre content never works, and your social traffic is bound to drop. If you are in the habit of sharing only top quality content, people would be appreciating that. Your viewers would be waiting eagerly for your updates and you would definitely get the desired clicks. Devote some time to thinking about what to share. After enough deliberation, you must choose the best possible content to attract audience attention and get clicks.
social media tactics

Writing Persuasive Tweets

Tweets should be considered similar to headlines. Their sole intention is to grab consumer attention and get him to read and click. Your tweet should be convincing. Your writing style should convince the reader to click on the given link to read the content it actually leads to. The best tweets always talk about a benefit and trigger huge amount of curiosity. It is your business to convince the readers that they would be benefited by reading the content. It is best to write in easy language, consciously leaving out complex words. People usually do not browse, they breeze through tweets, and so easy tweets get the maximum clicks.

Spacing out Updates: Most Effective of All Social Media Tactics

Often, people have a misconception in thinking that the more posts they share, the more traffic would follow. But this is not true. It has been observed that followers and fans often get flabbergasted by a flood of updates. There is no fixed optimal frequency of posting. Moreover, the right frequency depends on the precise social network you are using. You could get more clicks on Facebook if you post once only, every other day. In Twitter once every hour is enough. Similarly only once per day is enough for LinkedIn.

Focusing On the Correct Keyword Usage

People are always searching for good content on Twitter. They try to find it in their Twitter feed at first. In case they fail to find what they actually want, they would type on the Twitter search box and locate the latest tweets on that particular topic. Your tweets can turn up in those searches if you add the right keywords. Try choosing keywords that would be used by your audience. This method has been proven to be particularly effective with ‘guides’ and ‘how to s’ keywords. A reliable SMM Company such as can guide you perfectly on the tricks of the trade. The more exposure your tweets get, the more likely it is to get more clicks.
correct keyword focus

Using Apt Words

Right words encourage clicks. Tweets having words such as ‘via’ ‘@’ ‘RT’, ‘Check’ and ‘Please’ have got impressive click-through rates. Also, avoid words such as ‘marketing’, ‘@addthis’ or ‘get glue’ as they had lower CTR s. So if you are looking for an increase in clicks, use apt words that boost CTR and avoid those that don’t.

Using Hashtags Cleverly

Clever use of hashtags with your tweets can mean more clicks. People may often look for hashtags in the search bar instead of looking for keywords. Use relevant hashtags while tweeting. For instance, while tweeting on something related to Twitter, you may use relevant hashtags such as #Twitter, #socialmedia, or #sm. While tweeting on copywriting, you could use relevant hashtags such as #marketing, #writing etc. Thoughtful use of hashtags can make an incredible difference on your click-through-rate. Some studies reveal that by infusing correct hashtags, you may be successful in doubling the engagement on your tweets.
hashtags importance

Posting While Followers are Online: Smartest of All Social Media Tactics

Use special tools to know if your audience is online. Simply Measured has come up with some innovative tools that assist in determining the best time for posting. You just need to connect your Facebook or Twitter account with these effective, but free tools. You would know if your followers are online. Post when they are online to get the highest CTR. To learn more specialized tactics you may get in touch with an efficient SMM Company.

By Indian SEO Company